Does my baby have cow’s milk allergy?
Find out about the signs and symptoms of cow’s milk allergy and what steps you could take if you think your baby could be allergic to cow’s milk.
Supporting you along the way
From spotting the signs through to speaking to a healthcare professional and the potential diagnosis process, you’ll find information on this site to support you along the way.
Allergy test
Complete this quick test to collate information about your baby’s symptoms, ready to discuss with a healthcare professional.
Select either ‘Never’, ‘Sometimes’ or ‘Often’ from the multiple-choice answers below each question.
Q1. Is your baby’s skin red/itchy?
Steps to diagnosis
A step by step guide to the typical process of recognising cow’s milk allergy, getting a diagnosis and the dietary management that may follow.
Symptoms of cow’s milk allergy are wide ranging and may affect the skin, digestive system, breathing and more.
Download to log your baby’s symptoms to help prepare questions and useful information for discussions with a healthcare professional.